Living 937 is a support ministry at Victory Church that supports and encourages foster families. We take our name from Mark 9:37, which says, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf welcomes Me..” Living 937 team members will advocate for foster families by:
- Helping provide a meal
- Planning playdates and providing mentoring
- Offering prayer support
- Supporting young adults who have aged out of the system and are alone
50% of families who foster quit
within the first year.
90% continue past the first year if they
have a Care Community
If you want to foster, we want to support you!
If you want to be part of that support, we need you!
Free MOvie Showing
Saturday | March 8th | 2:30 PM
Victory Church Family Life Center
2870 Middle Road Winchester
Watch the unbelievable true story of how 22 families in a small town in Texas adopted 77 children in the foster care system. Connect with our Living 937 team, collect resources, and find out how you can join us in our mission.
Victory Church Family Life Center
2870 Middle Road Winchester
Watch the unbelievable true story of how 22 families in a small town in Texas adopted 77 children in the foster care system. Connect with our Living 937 team, collect resources, and find out how you can join us in our mission.