Olive Branch Food Pantry is an outreach ministry of Victory Church and serves
anyone in need.We are a drive-through food pantry, and we serve over 100 families every week.
The Food Pantry is open Wednesdays, from 9:30AM - 12pm.
We could not accomplish all this without our team of amazing volunteers who work
underthe leadership of our director, Marsha Boden.
There are many volunteer opportunities and we'd love for you to join our team!
Please contact the church office at 540-667-9400.
OLIVE BRANCH FOOD PANTRY OF VICTORY CHURCH IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
A historic day for victory church
On March 16th, 2024, the Olive Branch Food Pantry opened its new facility located on the campus of Victory Church, 2870 Middle Road, Winchester, VA. This is a moment we've been working towards for quite some time. The community support of this project has been strong and we are grateful for every dollar donated and every hour served. Join us as we seek to share God's heart with our community in this tangible way.